Quantum Space Engineering and the Space Quantum Internet

1st INSQT Workshop will be held on Wednesday 3rd to Friday 5th August 2022

Alter UK is looking forward to attending the International Network in Space Quantum Technologies joint workshop on Quantum Space Engineering and the Space Quantum Internet on August 3rd-5th. The Workshop takes place at the Design Centre’s new home in the Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC) building on the University of Strathclyde campus in Glasgow.

The 1st Workshop will identify key topics or challenges, stimulate cross-community interaction, and facilitate future research exchanges between INSQT members.


Place: on the 9th floor of the Technology Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.

Date: August 3-5 2022

Attendance will be free. 

Visit the workshop's page: https://www.insqt.ac.uk/insqt-workshops/workshop-1/